Avinashi Taluk, Avinashi - Mangalam Road, Vanjipalayam, Tirupur - 641663
Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi Affiliation No. 1930635

Join @Spring Mount Family, Delivering the Future

Spring Mount Public School has emerged as one of the most progressive and holistic educational institutes in Tirupur. If you want to help, shape and improve the quality of education by developing young children into responsible citizens, join our vibrant and skilled faculty. We are looking for open-minded facilitators who are eager to learn, and are invested in and passionate about educating and shaping young minds.
What teaching at Spring Mount Public School looks like:
A well-balanced workload with adequate study and planning time.
An open environment where teachers are encouraged to express their ideas and opinions while also having the opportunity to implement new teaching methods.
A supportive and qualified peer group for collaborative learning and teaching.
Mentors who are competent, empathetic, and supportive.
A well-structured and planned curriculum that includes a variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and events to which teachers can contribute based on their interests.
Training sessions and workshops for teachers to keep them up to date on changing syllabus requirements and subject matter.
Workshops focused on teachers’ well-being.
An ideal work environment with world-class amenities and creative freedom to teach.
Coaching and mentoring of new teachers through scaffolding techniques.
A democratic management that takes feedback from teachers and understands their requirements.
What we are looking for:
Demonstrate knowledge and expertise in their subject.
Sensitivity to the needs of every child and the ability to respond with maturity, compassion, and tact.
Professional conduct with students, peers, and the parent community.
A passion for teaching young learners in the classroom.
Upright and ethical towards work.
Involvement and participation in day-to-day running of the school
Commitment to their own growth and development both at the personal and professional level.
Maintaining fairness, punctuality, and discipline as a role model for students.